Benefice of Seaview, St Helens, Brading & Yaverland
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Photograph of Aurora Borealis over St Mary's 10 May 2024

Aurora Borealis over St Mary's
10 May 2024

(Photograph courtesy of by Jane Mellor Johnson)

Photograph of Bishop Jonathan Presiding at Benefice Eucharist on 28th April 2024

Bishop Jonathan leading Worship at St Helen's on 28 April 2024
Please click here to learn more in the June 2024 edition of What's On.

Photograph of Commissioning Joan Solomon and Andrew Bradstock

Commissioning of Joan Solomon and Andrew Bradstock to serve as Lay Ministers 18 April 2024
Please click here to learn more in a post on the Haven Benefice IoW Facebook Page.

Photograph of new Welcome Board at St Helen's

New Welcome Board at St Helen's
Please click here to learn more in the April 2024 edition of What's On.

Photograph taken at John Cheverton's 90th Birthday Lunch

John Cheverton's 90th Birthday Lunch
Sunday 11 February 2024

Please click here to learn more in the March 2024 edition of What's On.

Photograph taken during St Peter's Burns Lunch 2024

St Peter's Burns Lunch
Sunday 28 January 2024

Please click here to learn more in the March 2024 edition of What's On.

Photograph of St Helen's Tree Carving

St Helen's Tree Carving 2023
Please click here to learn more in the December 2023 / January 2024 edition of What's On.

Photograph taken during Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete 12 August 2022

Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete
12 August 2023

Please click here to learn more in the September 2023 edition of What's On.

Photograph of St Catherine's Christmas Blessings Angel - Christmas 2022

St Catherine's Christmas Blessings Angel 2022
Please click here to view more residents of
St Helens Village of Angels 2022.

St Peter's Advent Carols Photograph 27 November 2022

St Peter's Advent Carols
27 November 2022

Please click here to read a Pew News article about the service.

20 Years Icon

20th Anniversary of the Ordination of
the Revd Barry Downer as Deacon

Please click here to read about the
Celebratory Eucharist held on 1 October 2022

Photograph of Brading Bells Rining Chamber

Brading Bells Ring Muffled for the Queen
8 September 2022

Please click here to listen to the bells.

Photograph taken during Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete 13 August 2022

Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete
13 August 2022

Please click here to learn more.

Photograph of 'Eco Angel' in St Helen's Church - Christmas 2021

Eco Angel Christmas 2021
Please click here to view more residents of
St Helens Village of Angels 2021.

Photograph of St Helen's Church adorned for the Celebration of Harvest Festival - 26 September 2021

St Helen's Church adorned for Harvest Festival
26 September 2021

Please click here for more photographs.

Photograph taken during Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete 14 August 2021

Nettlestone & Seaview Summer Fete
14 August 2021

Please click here for further photographs.

Our Eco-Church Journey
Please click here to view the above video of the Revd Alison Morley outlining our Eco-Church journey and for a link to Vicar's flock includes real sheep on the Diocesan website.

Photograph of St Mary's Market

St Mary's Market
Please click here for a Benefice Blog posting about St Mary's Market.

Photograph of flowers grown by the children of Nettlestone School Nursery displayed in St Peter's Garden Easter 2020

Flowers grown by the children of
Nettlestone School Nursery Easter 2020

Please click here for more Easter photographs.

Photograph taken at St Mary's 'No Dig Service' 12 January 2020

St Mary's 'No Dig Sunday' 12 January 2020
Please click here to learn more about St Mary's Eco-Church.

Photograph of St Helen's Cosy Carols 19 December 2019

Cosy Carols 19 December 2019
Antonia Thwaites, Polly Green & Thea Callaghan singing in aid of St Helen’s Church.
Please click here for a sequence of YouTube videos of their performance with James Longford.

Bird's Eye Video of St Helen's Churchyard
Please click on the above image to start the video
and on the button at the bottom right to view it in full screen mode.

Photograph of 'Angel of the Sea' on the Duver - Christmas 2019

Angel of the Sea on the Duver
Christmas 2019

Please click here to view more residents of
St Helens Village of Angels 2019.

Photograph of past Parish Magazines

Past Parish Magazines
Please click here to view a Benefice Blog posting about the current Magazine and how you can help ensure its continued success.

Photograph taken during celebration of publication of Andrew Bradstock's biography of David Sheppard November 2019

Celebration of publication of Andrew Bradstock's biography of David Sheppard
November 2019

Please click here to view Benefice Blog posting.

Photograph taken during redecoration of St Peter's Church Hall October 2019

Redecoration of St Peter's Church Hall
October 2019

Please click here to view Benefice Blog posting.

Photograph at St Peter's Regatta Service 25 August 2019

St Peter's Regatta Service
25 August 2019

Please click here for a Benefice Blog posting of the Service prayers and here for the Regatta Service sermon.

Photograph taken during 'Summer Serenade - 2'

Summer Serenade 18 August 2019 - 2
A very special and beautiful concert at St Helen's church with three amazingly talented young singers. They will be back, so do catch them next time if you missed this one.

Photograph taken during 'Summer Serenade' - 1

Summer Serenade 18 August 2019 - 1
Thank you to all who helped with the lovely cream tea and to Alan for superb accompaniment.

Photograph during St Peter's Church Fete 15 August 2019

St Peter's Church Fete 15 August 2019
Please click here for further photographs.

Photograph of St Helen's Sea Service 28 July 2019

St Helen's Sea Service 28 July 2019
Please click here for further photographs and video clips.

Photograph during Interval in Scottish Fiddlers Concert for St Helen's Tricentenary Celebrations 22 June 2019

Interval during Scottish Fiddlers Concert for
St Helen's Tricentenary Celebrations
22 June 2019

Please click here for our Tricentenary Photo Gallery.

Photograph at Official Opening of St Peter's Undercroft 5 May 2019

Official Opening of St Peter's Undercroft
5 May 2019

Please click here to learn more about the transformation of the undercroft and its opening.

Photograph of Dawn on the Duver on Easter Day 2019

Dawn on the Duver on Easter Day 2019
Please click here for recollections of Easter 2019.

Photograph of the Arrival of the Donkey at St Helen's Church 14 April 2019

Arrival of the Donkey at St Helen's Church
Palm Sunday 14 April 2019

Please click here for video clips of the procession.

Photograph of Procession of the Palms to St Helen's Church 14 April 2019

Procession of the Palms to St Helen's Church
14 April 2019

Photograph of St Peter's Christingle Service 24 December 2018

St Peter's Christingle Service
24 December 2018

Photograph of St Peter's Coffee Morning 22 December 2018

St Peter's Coffee Morning 22 December 2018

Photograph of Angel Making at St Helens Community Coffee Morning November 2018

Angel Making at St Helens Community Coffee Morning November 2018
Please click here for photographs of St Helens Village of Angels, Christmas 2018.

Photograph of St John's Newport Choir Concert at St Helen's 13 October 2018

St John's Newport Choir Concert at St Helen's 13 October 2018

Photograph of St Helen's Harvest Festival Service 2018

St Helens Harvest Festival Service 2018

Photograph of St Helen's Harvest Festival Lunch 2018

St Helen's Harvest Festival Lunch 2018

Photograph of St Helens School at the Community Centre for a Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War 14 September 2018

St Helens School at the Community Centre for a Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the end of the 1st World War
14 September 2018

Photograph of Ride & Stride 2018

Ride & Stride 8 September 2018

Photograph of St Peter's Pet Service 19 August 2018

St Peter's Pet Service 19 August 2018

Photograph of  St Helen's Church Bottle Tombola at Seaview Fayre 7 May 2018

St Helen's Church Bottle Tombola at Seaview Fayre 7 May 2018

Photograph of 'Little Miss Muffet' at the Entrance to St Peter's Flower Festival 7 May 2018

'Litle Miss Muffet' at the Entrance to St Peter's Flower Festival 7 May 2018

Photograph of John & Molly Cheverton after receiving the St Thomas Award

John & Molly Cheverton at Portsmouth Cathedral after both received the St Thomas Award Sunday 29 April 2018

Photograph of the Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 6

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 6

Photograph of he Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 5

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 5

Photograph of the Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 4

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 4

Photograph of he Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 3

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 3

Photograph of the Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 2

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 2

Photograph of the Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley 15 April 2018 - 1

The Licensing of the Revd Alison Morley
15 April 2018 - 1

Photograph of the dedication of a bench at St Helen's in memory of Penelope Simpson Easter Sunday 2018

Dedication of a bench at St Helen's in memory of Penelope Simpson Easter Sunday 2018

Photograph of St Helen's Family Eucharist Nave Altar

St Helen's Family Eucharist Nave Altar

Photograph of St Peter's Christmas Tree 2017

St Peter's Christmas Tree 2017

Photograph of St Peter's Nativity Christmas 2017

St Peter's Nativity Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Window Decoration Christmas  2017

St Helen's Window Decoration Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Christmas Tree 2017

St Helen's Christmas Tree 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Pew End Decoration Christmas 2017

St Helen's Pew End Decoration Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Welcoming Angle Christmas 2017

St Helen's Welcoming Angel Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Christmas 2017

St Helen's Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Catherine's Advent Wreath 2017

St Catherine's Advent Wreath 2017

Photograph of St Peter's Advent Wreath 2017

St Peter's Advent Wreath 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Advent Wreath 2017

St Helen's Advent Wreath 2017

Photograph of St Helen's Angel on the Font Christmas 2017

St Helen's Angel on the Font Christmas 2017

Photograph of St Catherines Angels of Love Christmas 2017

St Catherine's Angels of Love Christmas 2017

Photograph of Phoenix Choir Concert to launch St Helen's Tricentenary Appeal 1 June 2017 - 2

Phoenix Choir Concert to launch St Helen's Tricentenary Appeal 1 June 2017 - 2

Photograph of Phoenix Choir Concert to launch St Helen's Tricentenary Appeal 1 June 2017 - 1

Phoenix Choir Concert to launch St Helen's Tricentenary Appeal 1 June 2017 - 1

Photograph of New Window at St Peter's in Memory of David Ricketts

New Window at St Peter's in Memory of David Ricketts

Photograph of St Helen's Nativity Christmas 2016

St Helen's Nativity Christmas 2016

Photograph of St Peter's Nativity Christmas 2016

St Peter's Nativity Christmas 2016

Photograph of St Peter's Christmas Tree 2016

St Peter's Christmas Tree 2016

Photograph of St Helen's Christmas Tree 2016

St Helen's Christmas Tree 2016

Photograph of St Peter's Pulpit Nativity Christmas 2016

St Peter's Pulpit Nativity Christmas 2016

Photographs of St Peter's Decorations by Classes 2, 4, and 6 of Nettlestone School

St Peter's Decorations by Classes 2, 4, and 6 of Nettlestone School 2016

Photograph of Remembrance Sunday at St Helens 13 November 2016

Remembrance Sunday at St Helen's
13 November 2016

Photograph of Memorial Votive Candle Holder at St Helen's 9 October 2016

The Revd Rob Wynford-Harris (left) after the Dedication of the Votive Candle Holder in Memory of Jacqueline Taylor, wife of the Revd Michael Taylor (right), at St Helen's
9 October 2016

Photograph of Vectis Brass Harvest Concert at St Helen's 24 September 2016 - 2

Vectis Brass Harvest Concert at St Helen's
24 September 2016 - 2

Photograph of Vectis Brass Harvest Concert at St Helen's 24 September 2016 - 1

Vectis Brass Harvest Concert at St Helen's
24 September 2016 - 1

Photograph of Memorial Votive Candle Holder at St Helen's

Memorial Votive Candle Holder at St Helen's

Photograph of Preparatory Work for Memorial Votive Candle Holder at St Helen's

The removal of a pew in preparation for the installation of flagstones for a Memorial Votive Candle Holder at St Helen's
26 July 2016

Photograph of Vicarage Garden Party July 2016 - 2

Garden Party at Vicarage 16 July 2016 - 2

Photograph of Vicarage Garden Party July 2016 - 1

Garden Party at Vicarage 16 July 2016 - 1

Graphic of St Thomas Award Badge

The design for the St Thomas award is based on a medieval pilgrim badge showing him returning from exile in France

St Thomas Award Photograph

Rodney Fox, Sue Whitewick and Ian Smith, Isle of Wight recipients of the St Thomas Award marking notable Christian Service in the Church and wider community at Portsmouth Cathedral, 15 May 2016

Photograph of Centepiece of St Helen's Children's Pocessional Cross

Centrepiece of St Helen's Children's Processional Cross

Photograph of St Helen's Children's Processional Crosss

St Helen's Children's Processional Cross

Photograph of Centepiece of St Peter's Children's Pocessional Cross

Centrepiece of St Peter's Children's Processional Cross

Photograph of St Peter's Children's Processional Crosss

St Peter's Children's Processional Cross

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